

发表时间:2020-04-24 15:44:33 浏览次数:11401

National electric vehicle motor and its controller test base

中心测试基地已通过国家认可委、认监委认证,包括基于电涡流测功机的440kW 测试平台,为国家863 电动汽车重大专项电机及其控制器唯一指定检测基地。测试基地可提供的最大直流电压1000V、电流500A,可测试的电机最高转速为20000r/min, 最大加载转矩为4500N.m, 主要进行电机系统机械特性、效率特性、温升特性、堵转、再生制动特性等稳态性能测试,转速/ 转矩阶跃响应等动态特性的测试以及进行电动车辆加/ 减速过程的模拟试验。近年来,先后完成国内外260 余套电动汽车电机驱动系统的测试工作,测试数据获得广泛的认可。

The National EV Motor & Controller Test Base has been approved by CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Commodity Assessment) and CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China). It has a 440kw test platform based on electric eddy current dynamometer and is the only designated test base for electric motors and relevant controllers employed in the National 863 EV Project. The base can provide a maximum DC voltage of 1000V and electric current of 500A. The maximum allowable tested speed is 20,000r/m and torque is 4,500Nm. The test is mainly targeted at the motor system’s static performance (characteristics of the system’s mechanics, efficiency, temperature rise, locked-rotor and regenerated braking) and dynamic performance (rotation speed/ torque step response).Simulated tests for the acceleration and deceleration of EV are also an important part.In recent years, it has completed the testing of more than 260 sets of domestic and international electric vehicle motor drive systems.