

发表时间:2020-04-24 18:05:00 浏览次数:8164

New energy vehicle enterprise big data platform conformity test system

依据《电动汽车远程服务与管理系统技术规范》(GB/T 32960-2016),开发了企业平台和车型的符合性检测平台,可作为国家层面的新能源汽车监管与信息发布的统一门户,用于整车企业、地方平台完成信息录入及维护,最终实现车辆、企业平台、国家平台准确有效的数据信息交互。

According to ‘technical specification for the electric car remote service and management system’ (GB/T 32960-2016), the enterprise platform and models of conformance testing platform is developed that can be used as a national level of new energy vehicles supervision and information portal, which is used by automobile enterprise, local platform for completing information input and maintenance. Finally it realizes the accurate and effective data information interaction.